Yo Dudes,

and welcome back to my blogggggg  – excuse me, I’m a little hyper today.

Why you may ask? (nobody asked) Well I’ll tell you!

I am going to try and live my life to the absolute FULLEST. And to do this, I must make EVERYDAY LEGENDARY.

(Barney Stinson reference anyone?)

Anyway, in case any of you are wondering where this sudden outburst of lust for life came from, I recently turned 16 back in July and since then, I have been absolutely DETERMINED to make the 16th year of my life the BEST one so far. I mean, it’s going pretty well so far – I haven’t cried yet so that’s a plus!

My life up to now hasn’t been the best but I’m working on it and working on my social awkwardness along with some good friends of mine so hopefully soon, I’ll come out of my introvert shell.

Some crazy shit has already gone down in the few days that I’ve been 16. Tonnes and TONNES of drama with Nadia (DEFINITELY not my friend) and my family and yet I’m trying my best to block it out of my head and just not think about it because it honestly won’t matter in the long run and I’m trying to make being 16 as simple and yet complicated at the same time, fun and happy!

And I thought the best way to start that would be making a few changes to my blog.

Now I doubt that any of you have noticed but if you happen to take a look at my blog, you’d notice that I’ve deleted quite a few blog posts – 80 to be exact. And that’s because they were fairly negative and yes, that is how I was feeling at the time and I probably WILL write more negative posts if that’s how I feel but I don’t intend on being negative for a LONG LONG time and so I don’t want to have to look back and remember all of those bad times if that makes sense.

Anyway, do any of you guys remember this series that I was planning to start called Introvert Gone Wild? Well, that will now be starting soon and will be based on me trying to live everyday to the fullest and making it legendary and I will be showing you all of my steps of the way so be sure to look out for that soon!

What fun stuff do you guys get up to? How do you live life to the fullest? What’s the most legendary moment of your life? Lemme know down below – if you’ve read this far, comment “chocolate”

I hope you all enjoyed this blog post and I’ll see you all again soon with another one!!


Alex – The Awkward Expert🌺♥

18 thoughts on “L.E.G.E.N.D.A.R.Y…LEGENDARY!!

  1. Indy Watson says:

    Dude. I think this is the moment we need to make a pact. We both just turned 16 and we need to say YES to as many opportunities as possible! And we can fill each other in on everything that we achieve!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Illumine** says:

    Chocolateeee😁😁 now you’ve got me craving it, girl!!😶 Anyways, this post just made me happy!! Having a positive mindset is a good and big step!!!!!😀😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Rayan says:


    Holy shit 80 whole blog posts? Damn you are determined to delete the negativity Eh?

    Enjoy this year. They call it sweet sixteen for a reason.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. amberafter says:


    I’m so happy to have stumbled across your blog. I love your motivation to live life to the fullest 🙂 16 is the BEST age I reckon! That’s where my blog is starts anyway 😛

    Can’t wait to read all about life as an introvert – sounds interesting!

    Amber A.

    Liked by 1 person

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