300 Follower Special – About My Awkward Life


Since May, we’ve managed to trick another 100 people to follow us and join the #AwkwardSquad (am I too much like Jake Paul yet?)

Anyway, that brings our grand total up to 300 followers!

Can I just say again that it was my goal for the END of 2018 to hit 200 followers?πŸ˜‚Β It’s safe to say you pretty much smashed that.

Isn’t that crazy? Like honestly, stop following me (jk please don’t stop – I need you guys).

I find it so weird how that many people can even be interested in another persons life and yeah I know it’s not a lot of people in the grand scheme of things but 300 people out there joining my family and listening to my stories – that’s hella fucking cool.

So to celebrate this – I’m going to do 300 hits of weed (omg no, I’m actually just kidding – don’t unfollowπŸ˜‚) As fun as that would be I’d rather NOT damage my lungs to that extent (says that after buying a bong like a week ago)

Anyway, what I’m TRYING to say is THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH and I’ll try my best to work harder on content that interests you guys more and helps you more.

Saying that, if there is any content that you’d like to see on this blog that you haven’t before? It could legit be anything at all! Just lemme know down below.

Also, I’m thinking of maybeeee doing a Q&A with some questions that you ask me so if there is anything you’d like to know about moi that you don’t already know then be sure to let me know down below and I’ll be picking some and answering them!!

that’s pretty much it for this blog post – thank you all so much again! It means the world!

I hope you all enjoyed this post and I’ll see you again soon with another one


Alex – The Awkward Expert🌺β™₯

16 thoughts on “300 Follower Special – About My Awkward Life

  1. Bayance says:

    Gurlll CONGRATS! It feels like you got 200 yesterday. You should totally do a Q&A. I’m thinking of doing one too because I’m so behind on doing a giveaway (aka me being too lazy to get shipping done) so in case you make one here are some questions.

    1. What’s you real name? Fiine but what does it start with?
    2. Who’s your closest friend that you met through wordpress (*cough*jkjk)
    3. Which celebrity do you look most like? (wow my questions are so creepy)
    4. If someone came up to you saying they have depression, what would you say to them?
    5. What’s a recipe that runs in your family?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. questionsfromateenager says:

    Congrats on reaching this milestone, so proud of you soul sister! Here’s to expanding your blog community even more! As for questions I’d like to know about you….

    – What is the most rewarding thing about blogging to you and how has it affected you personally since first staring out?
    – What is one country that has always been on your bucket-lust and why?
    – What do you wish to pursue later in life? Would you like to work in the creative industry or do something completely else?
    – What are some things you want to do in the last months before 2019?

    Liked by 1 person

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