200 Follower Special – About My Awkward Life

(I’m currently continuing to write this at 250 followers – woowww I’m always late for everything)

This will always be my featured image for big milestones (thanks Bayance😂)


For some reason, I’ve managed to trick 200 people into following me… WHAT??

That’s more people than my entire year group at school. I find it so insane that people actually…enjoy (is that the right word?) reading my posts. Like made this blog to rant and now I’ve found 200 cool kids who wanna rant with me!!

To say thanks  –


I think it’s because I literally never mention it, but I AM open for collabs😂. I’m honestly not mean I promise. Just message me, (email or twitter) and I’m yours! We can think of ideas together!

Lemme know below if you’re down!

Also, it was my goal buy the END of the year to reach 200 followers (we hit 100 back in December) and we’ve already hit my target by May? (yeah it took me a while to write this post) You guys rock!!

To commemorate this fucking awesome day, I’ve decided to….hmmm…I actually don’t know what to do (hey, you followed this blog, not me)

I guess I’m gonna show you all what 200 looks like:



This is 200 calories (hey, I’m trying)


200 thinga


This is the number 200 (can you see where I’m going with this?)

This is 200 things to do in Chile



Awwww and that’s all I can find because I’m a lazy ass but that’s good enough right???

Anyway, the post of this post is to say a massive than you to you guys – I’ll forever be thankful!

I’ll see you all in my next blog post!


Alex – The Awkward Expert🌺♥

19 thoughts on “200 Follower Special – About My Awkward Life

  1. Bayance says:

    GURL CONGRATS!!! And yes, credits to me for the image there. 😂 Jk jk but it would’ve been 100 times better if you did that artsy cartoon girl with a Greggs cup. 😂😂 (I miss our convos!) Yas girl I’m so down to collab. We can do summer stuff or back to school posts later in August – let me know what you think. Bruh really? 200 things to do in Chile? 😂 You could’ve at least linked it – hey, you never know if I might end up in Chile some day. Jk again I love this post and congrats again! You’ll be reaching 300 in no time.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Emmarodgers. A long journey of mine. says:

    Congratulations! I feel really proud following you. And your posts are amazing. You deserve all the support you are getting from your followers including me. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ You are truly amazing. And as Jungkook in BTS says, you are the cause of my EUPHORIA!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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